Kit's Blog

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Hi!! I'm Kit. Chances are, if you're seeing this, you're one of my friends. I'm just going to post random stuff here. This blog was made with super SUPER basic html because I'm a beginner, so if you find bugs please please please tell me! Again, if you're here it's probably because I sent you the link, but in case not, my discord is @kitthekool so feel free to message me. If all else fails, email [start of SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION] I also have Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter (although I rarely check it). All of my social media is @kitthekool! Feel free to give me a follow if you think this is cool enough :) [end of SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION] Thank you so much for visiting!

My new site !!

Yes, I made the little cat icon on the side. Maybe I'll post some pixel art l8r?

text post